Lip & Tongue Tie Treatment – McKinney, TX
Free Up Your Oral Structures
When there are malformed connective tissues in the mouth, they can restrict the movements of the lips and/or tongue. As a result, you may experience a number of daily inconveniences and a higher risk of oral health problems. If you have a lip or tongue tie, our McKinney dental team is here to help. With a minimally invasive procedure known as a frenectomy, we can free up your oral structures and get you on the path to an improved quality of life.
Why Choose Marble Dental McKinney for Lip & Tongue Tie Treatment?
- Friendly, Empathetic, & Skilled Team
- Effective Treatment for Adults
- Lower Your Risk of Oral Health Problems
How Do Lip and Tongue Ties Develop?
Lip and tongue ties are present at birth. They develop when tissue that connect the tongue to the floor of the mouth (labial frenulum) or the lips to the gums (lingual frenulum) is too short or thick. Often, the exact cause of these malformations is unknown, though some experts believe that nutrient deficiencies during pregnancy may play a role in their development.
In many cases, lip and tongue ties are diagnosed very early in a baby’s life and are treated accordingly. However, if the diagnosis is missed, or lip and tongue tie treatment is unsuccessful, these issues can cause symptoms throughout infancy, childhood, and even adulthood.
If you are an adult with an untreated lip or tongue tie, you may experience numerous symptoms, including:
- Mouth breathing
- Sleep disordered breathing
- An increased risk of dental problems
- Limited lip and tongue mobility
- Difficulty kissing
- Slurred speech after only a small amount to drink
Why Is It Important to Treat Lip & Tongue Ties?
While a lip or tongue tie might not seem like a big deal at first, these issues can have a major impact. For example, they can interfere with nighttime breathing, which can affect the quality of your sleep and cause you to feel exhausted all the time. Limited tongue mobility can make it challenging for you to remove food from certain parts of your mouth, which can lead to bad breath and a heightened risk of gum disease and tooth decay. You may also feel self-conscious due to speech difficulties.
Lip & Tongue Tie Treatment
The best way to treat lip and tongue ties is via a minimally invasive procedure known as a frenectomy. We simply number your mouth, sever the tissue that is restricting the movements of your lip or tongue, and provide aftercare instructions that will prevent the treated tissue from reattaching.
We may also refer you to a specialist known as a myofunctional therapist. Their job is to train you to use your lips and/or tongue in the proper way, which can lead to improved breathing, swallowing, and speech. Often, myofunctional therapy is recommended both before and after a frenectomy.